Top Trails in NH
Mount Moosilauke is a 4,802-foot-high mountain at the southwestern end of the White Mountains in the town of Benton, New Hampshire. It is the tenth highest and most southwestern of the 4,000 foot summits in the White Mountains NH hiking area.
From I93 in Lincoln, NH take exit 32. Head West on Rt. 112 continuing straight through intersection for Lost River. After passing lost river at about 6.3 miles the trail head will be on your left on a corner. Signs are present.
Our last and first summit of ‘The Moose’ was when we did Beaver Brook Trail in September of 2007, our first year hiking together. And we were anxious to hike this beautiful, steep and rugged part of the Appalachian Trail again! As we arrived in Lincoln the clouds were still hanging onto the peaks and valley’s but it looked like it would lift and break by noon.
We started out at 8:30am. The trail along this portion was full of Hobblebush, Bluebead Lily’s, Sissile Bellwort, Rose Twisted-stalk and mostly spent Trillium. We signed in at the warning sign reading “This trail is extremely tough. If you lack experience please use another trail. Take special care at the cascades to avoid tragic results.” Those types of signs always excite me!
We finally dragged our weak and tired legs across the last foot bridge and up to the parking lot, finishing at 3:30pm.