
Having been "home bound" most of this winter at least in the hiking sense, Scott and I were not going to waste the first really nice day so far this Spring. We had planned on hiking Algonquin Trail but forgot that Sandwich Notch Road is closed in the Spring. So we drove down the road to Eagle Cliff. We were the only car and this would be our second time hiking this part of Red Hill in Sandwich.

The trail climbs steeply right from the trail head off Squam Lake road. You pass by many boulders and continue the steep climb until you reach a couple switch backs that negotiate some ledges and bring you up to a ledge scramble that can be by-passed to the right. We climbed the ledge and followed the trail along the top. Views to Squam Lake begin to open up. One final climb brings you out to the ledge/cliff.

We startled 3 turkey vultures enjoying a snack, they grabbed what ever animal they were eating and flew off. The view looks out across Squam Lake and over to the Sandwich Range. A seaplane was enjoying some skimming along the water top and there were a few boaters out as well. Thanks to the dog owner who let his dogs bark and jump on us. Never fails that we run into inconsiderate, ignorant dog owners.

We decided this was as far as we needed to go today and just sat out in the sun and enjoyed the view. Once we had our fill we headed back down. Several other hikers were on their way up, all happy for the nice weather!